Sampling and Analysis


Royal Brinkman Canada specialists are trained on proper testing protocols. We'll help you optimize nutrient management, improve yields and profitability. 






Optimize nutrient management. Improve yields and profitability.







Why sample?

  Monitor potential changes in the environment, like water quality.

  Detect deficiencies and diseases early.

  Monitor nutrient uptake—are right fertilizers being applied and utilized efficiently by the plant?

  Identify what nutrients are missing or deficient.

  Make in-season corrective applications if required.


Measure. Understand. Profit.

A key aspect to analysis is to ensure that the sample is done correctly. The sample must be representative of the field, plant, or management zone. In some instances, conducting two different sampling techniques (e.g., soil and plant tissue) will give better overall perspective and enable a more comprehensive fertility management plan.

Our Specialists are trained on proper testing protocols. We can assist with the following:

  • Establish which tests are of benefit to your crop.
  • Set up a testing protocol and schedule.
  • Collect and submit samples to the proper laboratories for analysis.
  • Review and interpret lab result and determine next steps, if needed, to ensure optimal yields and quality of your crop.
  • Review, monitor and improve fertility management.



Soil Sampling


 Identifies soil nutrients (deficiency or surplus).

 Determines soil pH (potential need for lime).

 With targeted sampling, problem areas can be identified and corrected.

 A decision tool for nutrient management planning.

 Help determine the appropriate fertilizer(s) and optimal application rates.



IPM Scouting


checkbox  Spotting diseased or weak plants.

checkbox  Identifying pests and record keeping.

checkbox  Regularly walking your crops and providing reports.

checkbox Decreased pesticide use and healthier plants.




Tissue and Sap Analysis


 Monitor nutrient efficiency and uptake.

 Indicate nutrient deficiency/toxicity prior to symptoms showing.

 Diagnose/confirm visual symptoms of nutrient deficiency/toxicity.

 Sap analysis shows current plant nutrient uptake and can ID fertility issues before they manifest as problems in your crop.

Water Sampling


 Monitor water quality.

 Monitor nutrient availability.

 Irrigation water quality is a critical factor for production greenhouse crops.


Raw water (source).
Nutrient solution (feed, drain/leachate).



Media Sampling


 Identifies nutrients available, pH and EC.

 A decision tool to help determine the appropriate fertilizer(s) and the rates to apply.


Potted or bedding plants
Ground beds or benches
Transplanting soil or compost




Pathogen Testing


 Determines the identity of pathogens impacting the quality of a crop.

 Use results to develop targeted management.





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