Bassidor - 1 kg

SKU #: 5000727

 Bassidor is a unique strain of Beauveria bassiana, an insect-pathogenic fungus, containing numerous small conidia that will germinate, penetrate and kill pest insects. Beauveria bassiana is a great preventative option for controlling Two Spotted Spider Mite and Whitefly.

The Bassidor fungus propagates in the pests’ hemolymph, causing death and the production of more insecticidal spores.

Technical Info

BASSIDOR is an EcoCert Certified Beauveria product that is a unique dry powder formulation that is extremely solubility ensuring ease of mixing and application. The Beauveria spores are oil-coated to prevent UV damage and desiccation.

Advantages of Bassidor

  •  Wettable Powder
  •  Excellent Resistance Management Tool
  •  Low REI & Minimal PHI
  •  Non-Toxic and Safe
  •  Compatible with most agrichemical products
  •  Easy Storage
  •  Good Rain fastness
  •  For conventional and organic pest management


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