Kameron Fordyce

General Manager

Get to know Kameron Fordyce


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Kameron Fordyce

Kameron Fordyce, General Manager of Royal Brinkman Canada, after years of working in horticulture, saw the need to provide growers with technically focused, customer-oriented products and services. In 2005, he launched his horticultural business (Royal Brinkman Canada, formerly known as Kam’s) to do just that.

As the first Greenhouse Flower Minor Use Coordinator; collaborator with Wayne Brown (Provincial Floriculture Production Specialist), Graeme Murphy (Greenhouse Floriculture IPM Specialist) and Dr. Wayne Allen (Agriculture Agri-food Canada Researcher); and National Sales Director at Engage Agro (now Belchim).

Kameron can be credited with growing the business from a 1-person operation to proceeding under the name of Royal Brinkman Canada in 2022. His vision for the future is to continue helping farms grow healthy plants and produce to a growing population.

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