Optimal Tomato Plant Support

Selecting the Ideal Tomato Clips for Preventing Damage

Written by Martin Meuldijk | Last update: 1. August 2024

Clips protect young tomato plants that are delicate and prone to breakage. As the plants mature, the accelerated growth makes it challenging for the plant to support the additional weight, which will often lead to damage. This impacts crop yield and quality. To counteract this, we can give plants additional support. 

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Tomato support hooks

Clips to Prevent Tearing of the Tomato Plant

The first time a tomato plant is lowered, there's a risk of tearing stem tearing. Growing tomatoes with a two-shoot setup further increases the chance of breaking shoots as the plant gets bigger and heavier. This can stunt plant growth, as well as making it vulnerable to diseases and fungi like Botrytis.

The Twinhook can be used to support the stem of the tomato plant. The Twinhook provides support to the main branches of the plant. We recommend using the Twinhook approximately one month after planting the seedlings in the greenhouse.


Advantages of Tomato Support Clips

Tomato support clips offer numerous benefits that promote the robust development of tomato plants:

  • Reduced stem stress: Clips help prevent stems from buckling and snapping under the weight of the fruit.
  • Encourages upright growth: Supporting the plants with clips promotes healthier, more vigorous growth.
  • Enhanced plant training: Clips allow for precise training of plants in specific directions.
  • Optimized space utilization: Improved control over growth patterns helps maximize space in the greenhouse.



Plastic Tomato Clips for Efficient Support 

Plastic Tomato clips stand as vital instruments in furnishing robust and dependable support to your tomato plants throughout their growth cycle. These clips provide a secure fastening to trellises, stakes, or wires, thwarting the plants from bending, fracturing, or sprawling due to the weight of their fruits. By integrating tomato plant clips into your cultivation techniques, you can optimize plant growth, enhance air circulation, maximize sunlight exposure, and ultimately amplify your tomato yields.


Tomato Support Clips

After a few weeks, the first trusses appear on tomato plants. These early trusses are particularly susceptible to bending under their weight, which can affect the quality of the tomatoes and prevent the trusses from growing fully.

To prevent bending, tomato truss support clips are essential. These clips are placed around the truss stem to provide support and improve fruit quality and yield. The flexible truss support clips serve as excellent plant supports, effectively preventing the truss from bending. This results in a higher quantity of quality tomatoes in the first trusses. The flexibility of the clips makes them easy to attach around the stems of tomato trusses.


Clips for Tomato Trellising

Supporting the stem is crucial as tomato plants grow in size. Professional horticulture employs high wire hooks and twine to trellis tomato plants, ensuring upright positioning and preventing stem breakage. Trellising can be done using two methods: the twisting approach or tomato support clips. While the traditional twisting method is still effective, many growers now prefer tomato support clips for their ease and efficiency. These clips attach under the leaves and connect with twine through a simple click. Besides tomatoes, these clips are also suitable for cucumbers and bell peppers.


Using Tomato Clips

The use of tomato plant clips offers numerous advantages over traditional tying methods for supporting tomato plants. Although commonly referred to as tomato clips, their utility extends to other vine crops such as cucumbers and peppers. These versatile clips provide stability and efficient growth and adapt to different plant sizes, making them suitable for a variety of crops. Their ease of use saves time and labour and provides secure fastening without damage. These clips are reusable for multiple growing cycles and are cost effective and environmentally friendly.


Plastic Tomato Clip Sizes: 

Depending on your crop, there is a wide range of vegetable plant support clips to meet your needs.


Biodegradable Tomato Clips

Along with standard plastic support clips, our selection also features biodegradable tomato clips. The benefit of biodegradable clips is in the reduction of waste costs, since they don't need to be removed during crop rotation. Biodegradable clips are compostable and hold certifications attesting to their biological compostability.


Brochure: Save Labour with our Valent Line

Hooks, clips and twine are essential for your cultivation. They supports your plants right from the beginning of the crop rotation. Use the Valent line to eliminate the risk of breakage, save labour, and to ensure that young plants grow tall and strong. In this brochure, you will find the differences between the Valent Hooks, the advantages of the Valent Clip, plus a lot more.

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brochure save labor with our valent line

Prerequisities for Professional Tomato Cultivation

Royal Brinkman, in collaboration with its invaluable network, is committed to crafting a more sustainable and promising future for entrepreneurs engaged in protected horticulture worldwide. As a united force, we gaze forward, foresee forthcoming advancements, and strive for enhancement. Our specialists have curated a comprehensive page that offers insights into the entirety of our offerings to bolster your tomato greenhouse endeavors. Our spectrum spans a wide array, encompassing customary crop provisions as well as investment-grade assets designed to facilitate greenhouse automation.

Discover the tomato crop supplies  

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