Huwa-San | Cleans the water system

Discover the Huwa-San assortment

Huwa-San TR-50 is unique method of disinfecting your entire water system to eliminate and prevent biofilm and stop the spread of plant diseases.


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Huwa-San in Canada





What is Huwa-San TR-50?

Huwa-San is a unique, proprietary silver-stabilized hydrogen peroxide. The silver ions in Huwa-San stabilize the hydrogen peroxide so that it remains effective throughout transport, storage and application.

Standard hydrogen peroxide can degrade quickly resulting in reduced shelf life and concentrations too low for effective control of biofilm and pathogens. Huwa-San remains stable and highly effective throughout entire water system.


Benefits of Huwa-San TR

 long lasting; better shelf life and effective concentration maintained through entire system

 works with your UV and Ozone systems

 EcoCert certified & biodegradable

 zero residue

 prevents the spread of bacteria, fungus, virus, and yeasts

 non corrosive & no damage to water lines

 prevents and removes biofilm

 increase O2 in root zone


Where to use Huwa-San TR-50

Huwa-San TR-50 is extremely well suited for:


Water Treatment

Entire watering system: drip lines, irrigation system, spray systems, gutters

Surface Treatment

Treatment of surfaces, equipment, and dipping tools


Empty rooms, walls and floors: fog or spray


Packaging options




Huwasan Canada 240kg

Huwa-San 240 kg




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