Par III - 10 L

SKU #: 5000125

PAR III Turf Herbicide is specifically designed to control hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds in turf areas such as lawns, parks, and golf courses, utilizing a formulation of Mecoprop-P, 2,4 D, and Dicamba.

Technical Info

PAR III Turf Herbicide is specially formulated for hard–to–kill weeds in turf (parks, lawns, golf courses, etc.). Contains amines of Mecoprop-P, 2,4 D and Dicamba. Controls dandelions, plantain, chickweed, clover, bedstraw, black medick (yellow clover), heal–all, ground ivy (creeping Charlie), knotweed (ironweed), ragweed, shepherd’s purse, English daisy, poison ivy, orange hawkweed (devil’s paint brush), buttercup.

This product is only effective when applied to the leaves of actively growing weeds. This product does not prevent new weeds - apply only when weeds are present. This product works best when applied to the leaves of actively growing weeds. This product is designed for target treatment of weedy areas of lawns. If weed populations do not warrant a broadcast application (e.g., entire lawn), consider spot treatments that target only weedy areas.


  • PAR III is formulated for the control of hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds in golf courses, lawns, parks, and other turf growing areas.

For labelled crops, specific application rates, directions, mixing instructions and precautions, read the product label.

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