Promalin Plant Growth Regulator - 500 ml

SKU #: 5000218

Promalin is a plant growth regulator that enhances the shape and weight of Red Delicious apples by promoting fruit elongation and more prominent calyx lobe development.

Technical Info

Promalinis a plant growth regulator for use on Red Delicious apples. Promalin improves the shape of Red Delicious apples through elongation of fruit and development of more prominent calyx lobes.

These desirable effects will be most evident in years when natural typiness is limited due to temperatures in the range of 18°-32°C following bloom. Promalin has been shown to increase weight of individual fruit.


  • ✅ Plant growth regulator for use on Red Delicious apples.
  • ✅ Improves the shape of Red Delicious apples.
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