Rodent Control

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Rodent Control 

Effective rodent control involves three main strategies: structural prevention, hygiene practices, and targeted intervention. To tackle rodent infestations, a four-step method is recommended, using poison only as a last resort. This process includes monitoring, repelling, trapping, and, if necessary, applying rodenticides. Below, we explain this approach in more detail.


Rat Control 

Rats tend to stay in a specific area and reproduce quickly, making it crucial to detect them early. Begin by monitoring the situation to identify the presence of rats (step 1). Once located, trapping is the next step to remove them. Should trapping prove insufficient, rodenticides, a type of poisoned bait, may be used as a final measure. It is important to note that using rodenticides requires a valid rodent control license.

Mouse Control  

Mice reproduce rapidly, so swift action is essential once they are spotted. Start by assessing the infestation to determine its size and location. After gathering this information, traps can be used as an immediate response. Unlike rats, traps for mice do not require a license. However, if rodenticides are needed, a specialized license is mandatory for their use.



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