Dyno-Mite SC - 946 ml*

SKU #: 5000656

Dyno-Mite SC is a miticide/insecticide designed to control mites and whiteflies on ornamental plants, flowers, and specific greenhouse crops, providing effective knockdown and residual control through contact action.

Technical Info

This package contains Dyno-Mite SC miticide/insecticide to control listed mites and whiteflies in greenhouses on ornamental plants and flowers and foliage crops and listed mites on greenhouse peppers, greenhouse cucumbers, greenhouse tomatoes and outdoor ornamentals for nursery stock.


  • Dyno-Mite SC miticide/insecticide works primarily through contact action, so good spray.
  • Dyno-Mite SC miticide/insecticide provides excellent knockdown and residual control. A good evaluation of performance can generally be made 4 to 7 days after treatment.
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