Intercept 60 WP - 250 g

SKU #: 5000172

For Systemic insect control on ornamental and vegetable plants grown in greenhouses and nurseries. 

Technical Info


INTERCEPT 60 WP is for insect control on ornamental and vegetable plants in greenhouses. INTERCEPT 60 WP is a systemic product and will be translocated upward within the plant. This product is to be applied as a soil or soilless media/hydroponic treatment only. To assure optimum effectiveness, the product must be placed where the roots of the plant can absorb the active ingredient. Irrigate moderately but thoroughly after application, allowing no leaching and runout from container for at least 10 days after application. Do not apply as a foliar application.


Intercept 60 WP is for control of European Chafer (Rhizotrogus majalis) and Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) larvae in all field grown and container grown nursery stock including: trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials and ornamental grasses. Intercept 60 WP is a systemic product. First and second instar larvae of the European Chafer and Japanese beetle ingest Intercept 60 WP from soil particles and plant roots.


For labelled crops, specific application rates, directions, mixing instructions and precautions, read the product label.

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