MilStop Foliar Fungicide - 11.35 kg

SKU #: 5000240

A contact fungicide for control or suppression of Powdery Mildew on Greenhouse Vegetable Crops, Greenhouse Ornamental Crops, and Outdoor Bedding Plants.

Technical Info

Benefits of Milstop

  •  Broad-spectrum foliar fungicide
  • ✅ Destabilizes and destroys fungi at the cell level, while altering pH levels on leaf surfaces to inhibit future growth
  • ✅ Can be used as a stand-alone fungicide or in combination with other foliar disease control solutions
  • ✅ Provides up to 2 weeks of residual protection against many other foliar diseases
  • ✅ Preformulated with surfactants to dissolve more quickly in water, requiring no additional wetting agents or mixing
  • ✅ Dries quickly and cleanly, with no visible residue
  • ✅ Does not restrict plant growth
  • ✅ Compatible with many beneficial insects


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