Taegro 2 - 375 g

SKU #: 5000606

Taegro 2 is a broad-spectrum microbial foliar fungicide for fruit and vegetables with multiple modes of action. OMRI Listed.

Technical Info

Ideal fit in IPM programs involving both conventional and biological control agents.

Taegro 2 complements conventional fungicides and is soft on beneficials, making it a great fit for Integrated Pest Managent (IPM) in organic or conventional programs.Taegro 2 offers low application rates, a unique mode of action and is safe for workers, growers and applicators.

Benefits of Taegro 2

  •  Broad spectrum protection against soil-borne and foliar pathogens
  •  Ideal fit in IPM programs involving both conventional and biological control agents
  •  Compatible with beneficial arthropods including pollinators
  •  Low application rates
  •  Safe for workers and applicators



For labelled crops, specific application rates, directions, mixing instructions and precautions, read the product label.

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