FujiMite Miticide - 1 L

SKU #: 5000600

FUJIMITE is a contact miticide / insecticide with broad spectrum control of mites.

Technical Info

FUJIMITE stops feeding damage immediately after
application. It is active on all developmental stages of mites
and provides ovicidal activity on eggs.

FUJIMITE is IPM compatible and is an excellent choice for resistance management

Key benefits

  • >> Fast knockdown of Mites (larvae, nymphs & adults)
  • >> Long lasting residual action
  • >> Convenient economical packaging
  • >> Very high efficacy


Active Ingredient: Fenpyroximate

Mode of Action: Mitochondrial electron transport inhibitor
Stops feeding immediately – stops oviposition within hours


For labelled crops, specific application rates, directions, mixing instructions and precautions, read the product label.

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