Understanding Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Written by Martin Jan-Paul de Wit | Last update: 9. August 2023

Considerations such as sustainability, environmental impact, and food safety are now playing a role in their purchasing choices. In responding to this, biological crop protection is on the rise. Many growers are turning to integrated crop protection, which involves a combination of both biological and chemical approaches. 

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Integrated Pest Control


The Core Reason of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)


The primary goal of integrated pest management is to reduce the resistance to chemical plant protection products. Integrated pest management is also a more ecologically friendly approach than an exclusively chemical one for pest management.


Step by Step Strategy for Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management involves a three-step process:
1. Prevention: Develop a system  to preemptively ward off diseases, pests, and weeds in the crop. These strategies involve decisions regarding variety selection, crop rotation, company hygiene, sound plant material, fertilization, irrigation, catch crops, intercropping, and the fostering of natural predators.
2. Observation: Gathering data is essential for learning about the efficacy of biological crop protection. This helps determine if  we need additional chemical interventions. Methods like sticky traps and soil sampling are generally used for this purpose.
3. Intervention: If the observations show that there's a need for action, chemical crop protection measures must be introduced.

Using Integrated Pest Management

Beginning an integrated pest management approach means you need to fully understand the disease and pest situation in your crop. Working with a specialist will allow you to see the full picture. We can build a tailored integrated crop protection strategy specific to your crops needs. Our approach includes not only biological and chemical methods, but also things like disinfection, growth regulation, and modern application equipment. Using a detailed strategy, where each element is managed closely, is the key to ensuring the success of the crop protection plan.

Video: Biospreader

Video runtime: 2 minutes and 6 seconds

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