Sticky Trap Usage Tips

Detecting Insects and Monitoring Pest Control in Greenhouse Settings

Written by Jan-Paul de Wit. Last update: 10. August 2023

Insect detection in a crop is important, because the quicker a pest is identified, the sooner pest control measures can be initiated. By closely monitoring pest development, through the use of sticky traps, you can determine the effectiveness of  a chosen pest control strategy. And then also decide whether adjustments are needed. 

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sticky trap sheets yellow in greenhouse with flowers


Insect detection with Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are highly effective for monitoring insect populations. For further insights on sticky traps, refer to additional information here:
1. Color Selection: Sticky trap sheets and rolls are offered in yellow and blue colors. Choosing the appropriate color is crucial. 'Yellow' is more appealing to aphids, leafminers, whiteflies, fungus flies, and thrips, while 'blue' is designed to attract and capture thrips, particularly.
2. Adhesive Types: Sticky trap sheets come with various types of adhesive: dry and wet. Dry adhesive is generally used for signaling and detection purposes. As counting is feasible when insects are individually attached, a thin/dry adhesive layer is employed. Wet glue is primarily used for trapping pests. With a thicker adhesive layer, insects get essentially 'caught' within it, enabling reuse at the same spot. This renders wet glue products more suitable for prolonged usage. Note: products with wet glue are less or not suitable for export due to potential glue runoff from the board caused by elevated temperatures during transport.
3. Storage: If you acquire sticky trap rolls or sheets for insects but don't intend to use them immediately, ensure proper storage in a cool and dry location. This safeguards the adhesive's quality.
4. Action: Upon detecting pests in your crops, promptly consult a crop protection expert for optimal guidance.


Using Sticky Trap Rolls

Having trap rolls in your greenhouse is vital. Here's a comprehensive guide on utilizing sticky traps:
  • Standard signal roller: This type features a dry adhesive layer with strong sticking abilites. Equipped with the Royal Brinkman label, these signal rollers can be utilized throughout a growing season. They're available in lengths ranging from 80 to 130 meters and in widths of 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, and 30 cm. The ideal size will depend on the crop. In tomato cultivation, 15-centimeter signal rollers are often used, while lower pest pressure areas might only need 10-centimeter rolls to minimize light loss. Although less commonly used, 30-centimeter rolls can be used in hotspots for more pest capture.
  • Signal roller with thrips pheromone: This type contains a printed pattern on the roller and an attractant in the glue, enhancing its appeal to both male and female thrips. These rollers can be used for vegetable and ornamental plants, and have come with potent and user-friendly adhesives on both sides. The glue securely holds captured insects without sticking to fingers. Read here more how to secure sticky trap rollers.
2. Proper Unrolling and Attachment: Use a ribbon brace for correct positioning. Various types of sticky trap ribbons and fixing methods are available.

different sticky traps


3. Usage timing: In ornamental plants, signal rollers can be used year-round. For vegetable crops, we suggest placing signal rollers right after planting in a new crop during crop rotation or shortly thereafter. In either situation, hang one signal roller per every 2 or 3 canopy caps. For tomato cultivation, consider placing one ribbon per trellis and one per row in the event of increased hotspots.


Sticky Trap differences 

Sticky trap rolls are not the only option. Sticky trap sheets can be a great alternative, but there is a distinction between the two.
  • Various types of sticky trap sheets are available as well. The biggest difference in them is the adhesive type: either wet or dry. Additionally, sticky trap sheets come in 2 different sizes: 10x25 cm and 40x 25 cm.
  • Grids on the sticky trap sheets makes it easy to count and record. This proves particularly helpful when dealing with substantial pest populations, simplifying grid placement on the trusses.
  • Plate holders are used to suspend  sticky traps. For counting purposes, the sticky trap holder magnet can be used for attachment to the leg. For larger pest quantities, such as in a chrysanthemum crop, opting for attachment to the truss is advisable.




In this video, the two different ways of attaching a sticky trap sheet are demonstrated.

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