
The solution for reducing diseases on horticultural greenhouses

We believe that growers worldwide can maximize their crop yields by maintaining optimum operational hygiene. HortiHygienz can be used by growers everywhere as a total solution for operational hygiene. It is based on five pillars: Crop rotation, People, Materials, Water quality and Responsibility & Sustainability.

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Hortihygienz five pillars


Our specialists work daily to improve a total solution hygiene system for the horticultural sector by combining products, application techniques, installation, service and advice. Innovations keep the solutions progressive and appropriate to the ever-changing requirements and needs of growers and their customers.

  Completely unburdened in the hygiene approach
  Sales certainty
  Gain in time and knowledge
  Increase in harvest yield

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Hygiene solution for your crop

Are you an ornamental plant grower or vegetable grower? Click below to see our advice for vegetable and ornamental horticulture.

Vegetable grower hortihygienz

Ornamental grower hortihygienz


"Hygiene helps keep our facility safe" Lucas Semple

Under Sun Acres is a 48-acre bell pepper production facility that has about 65 employees rotating throughout the season. Hygiene is extremely important to the functionality of the business.

“Others in the area who use Royal Brinkman equipment recommended Royal Brinkman to us. We also talked to other companies, but Royal Brinkman was very good at providing a solution from start to finish.” The HortiHygienz department’s hygiene specialists advised and designed a complete and customized hygiene street, based on the risk analysis and wishes of Under Sun Acres.

Read more customer story under sun acres hortihygienz hygiene

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