Envidor 240 SC Miticide- 3 L

SKU #: 5000507

Envidor 240 SC Miticide is an effective contact miticide for controlling mites in pome fruit, stone fruit, tree nuts, grapes, and hops.

Technical Info

Envidor 240 SC Miticide provides control of mites in pome fruit, stone fruit, tree nuts (crop group 14), grapes and hops. Envidor 240SC Miticide is a Suspension Concentrate (SC) formulation and is active by contact on mite eggs, all nymphal stages and adult females when applied at the specified rate.

Envidor 240 SC Miticide is a Suspension Concentrate formulation. Envidor 240 SC Miticide is active by contact on mite eggs, all nymphal stages and adult females when applied at the specified rate. Application should be timed to coincide with threshold level in developing mite population. Consult local experts for treatment threshold. Performance evaluations should be made 7 to 10 days following application. Miticide should be applied only through properly calibrated ground appl.


  • ✅ Control of mites in pome fruit, stone fruit, tree nuts (crop group 14), grapes and hops.
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